Montag, 28. Februar 2011


I have always been into steapunk, but now that there's a victorian funeral in a steampunk atmosphere in the new Panic! At the Disco! music video, i had to post about it... however, first here's the video:
Hier ein altenativer link, falls es nicht funktioniert...

Hm... while you listen to the song... here's something about steampunk:

Imagine livi in the 19th Century where Steam Power (Dampfkraft) reigned the industry and peoples lives. The streets were full of gas laterns and the sky was grey and black because of the steam coming out of the chimneys of victorian england.
This is where the Steampunk-fantasy-world begins. Instead of electricity (which is never invented) people keep using steam technology, cogs and stuff. Thats what steampunk is about... and i think the style is fantastic (im wahrsten sinne des wortes).
Oh and here some random pictures

I'll see if i draw some steampunk musicians or something like that.
 greetings, Summertime (Spring is coming yeah) XO

Art and Music

After a more or less long break, i am back to show you my latest drawings, showing some musicians... a guitarist inspired by Ray Toro and a singer. 

Keep Running out there!

Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

Art and Music 1.2.:

I got another song that really inspired me, again from My Chemical Romance, but this time very different from what they usually do or what they did. It's The Ghost Of You , a song that deals with the losses of World War II and especially the D-Day, where thousands of allied troops left their families and countries to fight for freedom. A symbol of resistance of the united forces against Hitler-Germany. The video is definetly worth it, have a look and please watch it till the end... you don't have to be a fan to get the message. 
Again i drew a scene that i found expresses the feelings of the two lovers shown when dancing at the military ball... maybe for the last time.

the drawing:
that's it... War sucks, Love rules. XO

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Another Story

I don't know why but again we had to write a story (in school)... this time we passed the stories around and everyone added one or two sentences to complete it. Ja. asked me to post this story that is a result of bored pupils around me and Ja.:
Enjoy it if you're bored enough to read it^^

Die Ziegenhöfe im Tal waren in rote Schleier gekleidet. Ich begann meinen ersten Tag im Tal, ritt der Sonne entgegen, mit dem ständigen Klacken der Hufen, das dem Geräusch glich, was entstand, wenn man zwei Kokosnusshälften aneinander schlug. Mein Proviant war genug Kokosmlich für einen Monat und ich hatte auch nicht vor, mich sofort an einem der Höfe niederzulassen.
Nachdem ich einige Tage unterwegs geweesen war und mir meine eigenen Ziegen wieder einfielen, ritt ich sofort zurück.
Eine nochmals weite Reise begann, weil es mich den ganzen Weg beschäftigt hatte, musste ich darauf erstmal was trinken.
Nachdem ich eine ganze Pulle Wodka ausgesoffen hatte, beschloss ich nach den Ziegen zu gucken.
Die Ziegen bereiteten mir Zahnschmerzen, denn ich hatte ein mulmiges Gefühl und sah nach ihnen.
Es war Abend, als ich von den Ziegen zurück kam, ich wollte jemanden schlagen, warum auch immer.
Als ich von der Ziege träumte, sah ich sie, wie sie wie eine Pizza auf mich zulief. Ich erschrak.
Dann fiel sie mir in die Arme, ich wollte aber nicht tanzen, denn der Tag lag noch vor mir.
Ich drehte mich um und sah zurück übers Land.
Da dachte ich mir zu guter letzt:
Und das war der Tag, an dem ich lernte, Ziegen zu zähmen.

Wow,... how senceless...

I just had a dream...

I came home from school and slept... like one hour or less yeah and this is my dream:
Me and my family we lived on a huge mountain at the coast of some exotic country , our house was on the rocks and i could see the waves and how they got bigger with the dawn of day... that sowmehow scared me I think but I also enjoyed it. The whole dream wqas like in earth colours like the rocks and the beach.
I remember that i was thinking of my origins a lot and had to paint a small house of mine (I had several houses and rooms) with kind of green water, a symbol for my italian ancestors (thats weird i know). After paintiny my houses walls whcih were sandy and a brown mixture of snow and stone . In the end tim was sitting somewhere in the house on the rocks and told me that Kon. had phoned him and wanted to meet him. What an interesting dream...

Montag, 14. Februar 2011

Art and Music 1.1.:

The first post about my new topic Art and Music and how theyre related is a bit strange, because it also takes dance and creates some kind of smashed potatoes with art, music and dance. So yeah just about the project:
The drawing below showing an odd woman dancing was taken from the song Helena by... My Chemical Romance... again.  ;D.

Just watch the video and youll find her dancing her wonderful ballet 'solo' in between dancing people and a band singing in a church (on a funeral). Helena is one of the most inspiring persons MyChem ever created ( I mean there are several others... like mother war,grace, the killjoys, the dracs etc.)
Just listen to it and if you're not a fan of this 'hard' music style listen to the piano version of it (which I also love).. oh and of course have a look on my drawing.^^
XO  Greetings and don't forget your Valentine^^

Samstag, 12. Februar 2011


Art... hm this is what happens when i try to draw Jared Leto... i couldn't find the photo i drew so i took a similar one just for those who don't wat to google Jared Leto. Oh and yes... he's the 30 seconds to mars-singer.

Yeah that's it, good night and keep smiling^^

Oh...I just found the photo I originally wanted to show you (because i copied it and wanted you to see the difference) it is:

about coconuts and white chocolate

Guys, you know what...? I love coconut. The taste... everything. And now that I tried these kind of cocnut-letter-biscuits...they're awesome...

Oh and this below is probably the best Ritter Sport ever... a dream of white chocolate and cornflakes...

Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

The disability of expressing thoughts through writing.

I think the title says what this post is about... as typical for a title... whatever...
For me it's sometimes very difficult to write down thoughts and tahts why i thought of some other ways of expression...
Music/Guitar... i mean ok mine is acoustic but i like the pic...
Listening to music and interpreting it in different ways...


They really taste like vanilla-donuts... incredible^^
Oh and the colours fit to the blog ;D

Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2011

Hoodie and some kind of story

In school there was like a lesson where we should write a story with an animal, clothes, a crime, a city and a famous person (i somehow picked grant morrison, the inventor of batman... dunno why...). I think my lack of motivation is the reason for this kind of depressive story... I wanted it to be dramatic, but went like this, but o here it is... in german...of course...   ...

Nach den großen Feuern von 2012 lag sie da. Was einst Los Angeles hieß, war eine Mischung von postapokalyptischem Flüchtlingslager und futuristischer Protzstadt. Die Erinnerung an damals war erloschen, sie sollte erloschen sein. Nun regierte Grant Morrison, Leiter der "Better Living"-Kompanie die Stadt, die man nur noch als Battery City kannte. 
So finster die Tage waren, so chaotisch, so weiß, steril und geordnet war das neue "Better Living"-Regime. Ein lächeldes Gesicht, Symbol der Kompanie regierte das Stadtbild. Die Menschen lächelten und arbeiteten in Reih und Glied, lebten wie in Regalen und sehnten sich dannach, sämtliche Gefühle loszuwerden.
Die Einheiten der Kompanie ähnelten mehr Tieren als Menschen, bereit, jenen Angst einzuflößen, die noch Angst empfinden konnten. 
Denjenigen, die sich nicht kontrollieren ließen, die Drogen und Gehirnwäschen für ein sogenanntes besseres Leben nicht zulassen wollten. 
Als Grant Morrison auf die sterilen Straßen von Battery City hinausblickte und die uneingeschränkte Kontrolle genoss, konnte er gleichzeitig, tief in seinem Inneren -unter Masken und Vorhängen- nicht anders, als sich ein kleines bisschen eingesperrt und einsam zu fühlen. 
Freiheit war in diesen Tagen eine Straftat.

Hm that's it then... now some nice thing. I got a 30 seconds to mars hoodie for 25 EUR, not that expensive when you consider that it's merch so... yeah i really like it...

Montag, 7. Februar 2011


This post is a hommage to my friends out there. I know it's to short to explain everything but ok... i hope you get the message. I am lucky to have honest friends. They're real friends, friendship is -in my opinion- not about  always agreeing- it sometimes has to the opposite!
Friends are there for you and help you, but no not always! They also tell you about your mistakes and you accept their mistakes to, you sometimes even love them because of their mistakes and not because of what theyre good at.
I mean do you think, Ma. is my friend, because shes good at writing (or something more doesnt matter), no it's because she says what she thinks, even if it's hard- and it often is...It's because she's a fighter. This can be annoying but yeah, thats what makes it so ... how would you call it? interesting? nice? loveable (does this word actually exist?) ? It's your decision...

Oh at this point I'd like to add that the reasons mentioned are not the only ones but important ones^^ And also... greetings to Leo. Lu. Ma. Si. Ja. Ko. Fr. Ca. Ne. Ann. A. and of course Co.

Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011

Time for... Summer

There's a song that is so beautiful that I had to call my account SUMMERTIME. Just listen to it, even if you're not a fan of My Chemical Romance. It's just wondeful, it's so warming, that the title really fits... so yeah i'll leave you wit this and see if I blog more often when I stop listening to it and playing along with my guitar. Keep Smiling c:
oh and heres a random photo of mine which  I quite like.

Samstag, 5. Februar 2011

Did you ever believe?

 Were you ever a dreamer?

I think these words taken by the epic song 'Vox populi' (voice of the people) by 30 Seconds to Mars can be expressed in this artwork of mine.
Did you ever believe?
The techinque I used for the picture is quite easy but effective: Theres a machine-kind-of-thing with a rotating sheet of paper in the middle were you put the colour on. I first painted the red cross and then let the sheet rotate so that I could create this effect with black. Here's the song for those who are interested, it's not the best 30 Seconds to Mars song but this sentence really got stuck in my head.


Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

Chucks Stars/Bars

I want them so badly! And no I am not pro-america...
 These are so effing expensive... damn...
As my today's topic seems to be love , I think I might post one of my older drawings, showing...ok your not blind... The context is that I wanted to give these two lovers a place for their romance after drawing them, and I decided to pick Paris for obvious reasons. I dont quite like paris and I know the 'tour eifel' is not THAT correct but ok...
Love in Paris
I also put some newspapers next to the tobaco store and the partisserie (bakery) to explain the historical context: After freeing Paris and leading france to liberty in 1944 the american soldier falls in love with a french girl. Yeah thats it so far. I doubt that anyones reading this but... good night.


The strangest of feelings...
I think the idea of running away with someone you love with just her/him and the nature is one of the most beautiful things...  I thought I should share that picture

Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

my first blog

2nd of February 2011. Wow my first blog... and as I know thats its always boring to read all this annoying 'oh my god, I am new here, I hope I get to know a lot of people, man I am so excited' -stuff so ill just skip it.

 Hm... I think ill write something of this inspiring day. After school (a bit boring actually) I had terribly much free time, and as our little town is pretty boring I went to a 'wonderful' lake, took my guitar sat down and started playing I dont love you by My Chemical Romance.
I knew nobody could hear me, but I enjoyed playing it again and again, singing with just the cold wind and the sad weather by my side, I am sad there was no sun warming my skin, so my fingers go t a bit smashed by the freezing cold...

I am normally not that into nature and green peace ad stuff but I really enjoyed this...  as I said...
Before going to dancing lessons  I climbed on a tree that looked as if I SHOULD climb on it...
Wow... playing guitar on a lonely island in the middle of germany's traffic jam, how awesome is that?